Previous Projects
Discover some of the activities, events, and projects that we have offered to our members in the past!
Theater Evening - Veux voir la mer!
Christmas comedy in collaboration with La Troupe Du Jour. Watch the recording here.
Workshop “We talk, we draw!”
The concept is as simple as pie - we chat and draw based on the same theme!
Theatre Evening - Faut prendre la vie du bon côté
¨Play presented in collaboration with La Troupe Du Jour. Watch the recording here.
Screenings of the film “L'ordre secret”
Film screenings in partnership with the NFB and CINERGIE. More information on the film here!
Theatre Evening - Le Mariage d'la Fille Gareau (3 acts)
In collaboration with La Troupe Du Jour. Watch the recording here.
"Lâche ton fou" Evenings
During these evenings, we presented videos on 13 amateur Fransaskois artists!Watch the videos here.
Intergenerational quiz
A wild quiz that was done as a team, organized with the Fédération des Francophones de Saskatoon.
Quiz - Land of Living Skies
In celebration of Seniors Week and in collaboration with the Fédération des Francophones de Saskatoon, a quiz all about Saskatchewan!
Meetings with the Writers’ Circle
During the evening, members of the Writers’ Circle discuss with the public and read us extracts from their own works!
Concert - C'est ma cousine
Discussion and rebroadcast of a concert with the group “C’est ma cousine” to celebrate Seniors’ Week.
New Year's quiz
Quiz organized with the Fédération des francophones de Saskatoon.
Theatre Evening - Le Médecin volant
In collaboration with La Troupe Du Jour. Watch the recording here.
Quiz - Around the world
A trip to the 4 corners of the world during an exceptional quiz evening. Organized with the Fédération des Francophones de Saskatoon.